These students are selected to participate in the Lewis and Clark Honor Band 2022. This event takes place this Saturday, January 22nd at Northeast Community College.

9-10 Honor Band
Adrian Garcia Flores - Tenor Saxophone
Jesse Lundahl - Alto Saxophone
Joaquin Chavez - Trumpet
Mikkie Mogus - Percussion
Jack Schlickbernd - Percussion
Vicky Galindo - Flute
Jazmin Paredes - Clarinet 
Ashlyn Boeckenhauer - Clarinet (Section Leader)

11/12 Honor Band
Gaby Arriaza - Clarinet
Susy Prado - Clarinet
Rachael Nuernberger - Trumpet (Section Leader)
Kaleigh Mattes - Percussion
Diego Ruvalcaba - Alto Saxophone
Madison Borg - Alto Saxophone 

Lewis and Clark Band Student Helpers
Ashlyn Vazquez
Lily King-Lobo

The concert will take place in the Lifelong Learning Center at Northeast Community College in Norfolk. Concert starts at 4:30pm. Admission: Adults - $5, Students - $4, Preschool and under - free. Conference passes are honored.